Friday, September 10, 2010

Operation Levi!

We made it!!
On Sunday we travelled to Hobart in preparation for Levi's bilateral inguinal hernia repair. It was a big deal for the little guy because of his prematurity and as one specialist put it 'any surgery at this age is a big deal!!' So after an agonising 7 hour fast- agonising as our little man still feeds every 3 hours- we handed him over to the intensivist and nervously waited for the call that he was out! We had been informed that Levi would need to be ventilated for a couple of days and therefore tube fed once again so when we got the call to say he was out and breathing on his own you can imagine our joy!!! The surgeon and intensivists were extremely impressed that he was able to recover so well considering his lungs are still so immature!! What a little legend!!!  6 hours later he was crying and breast fed no dramas and two days later we got to go home! Although we loved showing him off to all the doctors and nurses who saved his life (they were stoked to see him again :-) ) we are so glad to be home! What a gracious God we have, He continues to guide and protect us and blesses us in so many ways!
With love Des, Sylv and Levi xooxxox