Sunday, November 28, 2010

Look who else came to visit!

Chaz and her darling little man Dante came down to visit us!! Between the porcelin hugging and explosive nappy changes courtesy of 'gastroispickedupfromtheairportis'  the three of us- chaz, katie and I, and our three boys- dante, eamon and levi, had a great time catching up! Many a day was spent discussing the challenges of sleeping and eating- who knew that babies slept in 45min sleep cycles and pureed gravy meat mixed with vegies made a great meal!  hehehehheehhe! We did also marevl at our darling husbands, one of which put up a patio while his wife was in tassie, and at the joys of the post baby bod- (with the exception of Katie of course who looks like she stepped out of a add for the worlds most perfect mother :- ) ) .  All in all though we had a marvelous time- thanks for coming down honey! Looking forward to seeing you in December! All our love x mmwah x


  1. LOL - Sylv you are a nut!! That is so funny!!
    Looks like you had a blast.
    How awesome that 3 good friends can catch up and enjoy the same stage of life (and you all have boys?!)
    See you soon xox
    Love Mel

  2. Gorgeous photos Sylv - love the commentary!
    Hey heard you guys were coming over at Christmas time - do you have somewhere to stay yet - we are looking for house-sitters - so if you are interested can you please let me know - we leave on the 17th December and are away for 3 weeks....Love, Erica xx

  3. so funny i can't stop laughing! love your post sylv it just sums everything up so well doesn't it? (except the part about me being advertisement material which is NOT true!! hehe)
    we had an absolute ball while chaz was here :)

  4. Hi Sylvia, Levi is soooooo gorgeous xxxx What a perfect little family you make. Have a wonderful first Christmas together :0)
